Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's Later Than You Think

I was thinking about how quickly February flew by, and now March is rapidly sliding off the calendar, when it occurred to me that "Daylight Savings Time" starts up again on Sunday. Then the whole idea of time and the manipulation of it started swirling around in my brain. I just had to sit down for a minute. See, there it is, time. I suppose we had to come up with some way of keeping track of ourselves , but it's gotten a bit out of hand. I mean, moving the clocks back and forth every few months? It's hard enough to get to work on time without that rule change. And now they've even changed the month we have to do that. (Remember when it was the first Sunday in April?) So, do we want the extra hour of daylight or not? And when you change your clocks,
what time is it really?Posted by Picasa


  1. My Grandmother, Elise, never-ever changed her watch to reflect daylight savings time. She thought it was a silly invention, there could only be one true time she said. (and she probably meant Danish time)

  2. What a gift, to be so grounded, kind of like knowing "true north" which for her was Denmark.
